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Garden Gnomes meets Sherlock Holmes: Review

My mother has a city garden and even on her tiny balcony stuffed with sun-loving Geraniums, she's managed to include wind chimes, bird feeders and a family of garden gnomes.


I was born in LA, not in the city of London where this movie Sherlock Gnomes takes place. But I grew up with a mother who's green thumb and affinity for the Brits, had her swearing that we were the proud descendants of English farmers. To her credit, she effortlessly grew everything from towers of strawberries to avocado trees sprouted from jars of water in the kitchen. Our British authenticity has never been verified, but by watching my Mom's natural ability to build an oasis like we had in that condo.. Well, I'd say she's earned the right to claim her romantic rural roots.


I kill all nature. Any plant or even vase of flowers in my care is doomed. But oh how I LOVE shopping at the gardening stores. And I can decorate a garden, balcony, or city terrace like nobody's business. I've always adored accessories around colorful pots and jars of plants, which includes those whimsical little porcelain folks with the pointy hats: Garden Gnomes.


Sherlock Gnomes Paramount Screening

My daughter Izzy took me to a Press Screening of the film in Century City. Our family spent the afternoon navigating LA in the rain, which surprisingly wasn't as bad as it usually is. We got to the movie theatre, warmed up, grabbed some popcorn & had such fun time! The Paramount Pictures team handed us bags of goodies, enough for both of my kids to play with their own (Props to Paramount's awesome PR for understanding #momlife with 2 kids👍🏼.) The movie had incredible animation that I thought looked like real at times. If you are an Elton John fan, then you have to see this one because it's full of Sir Elton's tunes.

New characters are introduced and they are really interesting. The whole story was full of surprises that nobody anticipated. Very creative. Very British. Very musical. Very entertaining for my family spanning 5yrs old up to 29yrs old. {That's how old my kids think I am. And I like it that way. ;-)}

Go see Sherlock Gnomes with the whole family. You can bring everyone IMHO. Nothing too scary or adult here. There are silly parts, of course. I'm pretty uptight about what's deemed "inappropriate" for my kids, and I wasn't feeling uneasy about any scenes at all. I'm sure my kids will ask to buy it as soon as it's offered on-demand and watch it a hundred times over and over again.


If you'd like to know more about the movies we watch as a family, please let me know you enjoyed this post in the comments below! I'd also be happy to answer any questions about KidsFirst! Media or any of our favorite spots to catch a movie in Cali. What's one of yours?✌🏼

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